Kansas State University


Modern Languages

“Initials” Student Research Forum

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Every semester, the Department of Modern Languages hosts an undergraduate and graduate student research forum.  Inspired by the “Signatures” lecture series introducing faculty of Modern Languages and their research to the larger university community, “Initials” seeks to introduce student researchers to the university and provide them with an opportunity to share their work with the academic community.  Students are nominated by faculty members who serve as mentors for their research presentations.

The Department of Modern Languages is a unique department in that we bring together faculty and students with diverse interests in a common goal—to learn about languages, cultures, and literatures. The name “Initials” has a dual meaning—not only is it indicative of the traces upon the page that designate authorship, but it is also evocative of the beginning, underscoring our hope that this is but the start of our students’ lifelong interaction with the language and the pursuit of knowledge.

Student presentations at the last “Initials” forum included undergraduate and graduate students in French, Spanish, and German, as well as International and Area Studies.  Projects included Carlos Barron (French), “Le Sport au Moyen Age;”  Joseph Sheppard (German), “Hybridities of Identity in Turkish-German Literature;” Sophia Bachman (Spanish),  “La tiranía de la imagen y el cuerpo femenino en Malena, una vida hervid;” and Eleanor Dickens (International and Area Studies) “The Barrios of Peru.“

If you are interested in learning more about undergraduate research in Modern Languages at K-State, please contact Melinda Cro (macro@ksu.edu) or Laura Kanost (lakanost@ksu.edu).


By: Kathleen Antonioli, Laura Kanost, Melinda Cro

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