Ashley Svaty
Nutrition, Food Safety
and Health AgentFocus on colorful veggies. Pack more dark green, red, and orange vegetables for your child to enjoy.
- Fuel up with fruits! Oranges, pears, berries, peaches, and unsweetened applesauce are a few great choices and will easily fit into a lunch box!
- Pack calcium-rich foods! Choose low-fat milk, yogurt, and cheese for your child. Dairy foods contain calcium for strong bones and healthy teeth. Keep dairy foods cold with an ice pack.
- Vary the protein you pack. Peanut butter, tuna, or a lean turkey sandwich are great options easy to pack for a lunch. Nuts or a chilled hard-boiled egg are also great options.
Shoot for whole grains. Choose whole grain foods, such as whole-wheat bread and whole wheat tortillas instead of white.
- Don’t forget the water! Encourage your child to drink plenty of water during the day, especially after P.E. and recess. Pack a small water bottle in lunches.
By: Ashley Svaty