Dust off your canner, it’s almost canning season! K-State Research and Extension is a trusted and reliable resource for all your food preservation needs. It is highly recommended that your dial gauge is tested each year at the extension office to be sure you are canning at the right pressure. Please call or email Ashley at (785) 524-4432 asvaty@ksu.edu to set up a time to bring your dial gauge in to get checked. Before you begin canning make sure you:
Call us with any questions
- Use the correct equipment
- Adjust for altitude
- Only use tested recipes
- Acidify tomatoes
- Use proper processing times based on trusted resources
- Get your dial gauge tested annually
- Leave proper headspace
- Use the specific size jar a recipe calls for
- Do not can in an Electric Pressure Cooker
For more information about canning or preserving your own food please contact any of our Post Rock District offices or go to our K-State Research and Extension Rapid Response Food Preservation website here.
By: Ashley Svaty