Be a water watcher – Designate an adult to actively watch children when they are in a pool or lake. Take turns sharing the responsibility.
- Wear a life jacket – Young or inexperienced swimmers should wear a life jacket when in the water. Everyone in a boat should wear a life jacket too.
- Never let children play with fireworks – Sparklers and other fireworks can be hot enough to melt metal. Fireworks are a cause of life-threatening injuries and burns in children each year.
- Use window guards – Window screens will not stop someone from falling from a window. Use window guards to ensure that windows open no more than 4 inches.
- Never leave a child alone in a vehicle – In just 10 minutes, the inside of a vehicle can become so hot that it can be deadly.
- Slow down when driving – Watch for children on residential streets, and around school buses, ice cream trucks, or other places children play.
By: Brenda Langdon