Author: Marci Metz

Using a Planting Calendar

If you start vegetable plants indoors, it is often helpful to list seeding dates on a calendar so that plants are ready for transplanting at the proper time. To do this, choose your transplant date and count back the number of weeks necessary to grow your own transplants. For example, cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower are usually transplanted in late March to early April. It takes 8 weeks from seeding to transplant size. Plants should be seeded in early February.

For a chart of how many weeks in takes seeds to grow to transplant size visit:

Below are examples of some common vegetables grown for transplants and a recommended date for seeding. Dates are on weekends as this is when many homeowners have the most free time. The dates are not set in stone, and a week earlier or later will not ruin the plants. Keep notes on how well the transplants did so you can tweak the planting schedule. Your conditions may result in plants that need a bit more or a bit less time.






By: Cassie Homan

Start 2020 with a Clean Fridge!

When we clean our kitchen, we may think about the dishes, oven/stove top, floors, etc. but sometimes we forget about one of the most important appliances…. the refrigerator! Get a fresh start to the year by deep cleaning your refrigerator by following these steps:

  1. Remove the food and keep it in an ice chest or another refrigerator.
  2. Unplug the fridge. Clean underneath and behind the appliance to remove dust.
  3. Remove drawers and shelves. Let glass shelves adjust to room temperature so they don’t crack. Wash with hot, soapy water. Use a toothbrush to get into tight spaces.
  4. Wipe down the interior walls of the fridge and door shelves.
  5. Dry all surfaces with a clean towel or paper towels.
  6. Sanitize with a solution of 1 tablespoon liquid bleach in 1 gallon of water.
  7. Plug the fridge back in and put shelves and drawers in their spots.
  8. Restock the fridge and clean any containers and bottles. Toss anything past its prime and make a shopping list.
  9. Between cleanings, wipe up spills as they happen to keep the fridge as clean as possible.

Sources: and

By: Ashley Svaty

Christmas Plants Brighten the Holiday

Christmas plants such as poinsettias, holiday cactus, and amaryllis bulbs are a fun way to bring some color to the winter months. They like a bright, sunny location in your home and regular watering. With proper care these plants can be kept from year to year for lasting value. For help picking out the perfect poinsettia watch this YouTube Video:

By: Cassie Homan

Farm Financial Skills for Kansas Women in Agriculture

We recognize the financial stress that farmers and ranchers are experiencing due to low commodity prices and high input costs. More than ever, financial management of the operation is critical to long-term sustainability.

The Post Rock District, in collaboration with a state-wide team, is bringing a great learning opportunity to the region! “Farm Financial Skills for Kansas Women in Agriculture” is a 4-part workshop series that will teach principles of record keeping to develop a balance sheet, income statement and a cash flow statement. Participants will work with a case farm to do performance analysis and understand how these statements can help with management decisions. The program will be a combination of broadcasted keynote speakers, local speakers, and facilitators to assist in completing the hands-on activities. The goal is for participants to acquire financial management skills they can apply directly to their farming or ranching operations.

Smith Center will be a host location for the program scheduled to take place in the evenings on January 15, January 22, January 29, and February 5. Registration is due by December 31, 2019. To learn more about this exciting learning experience and to register, visit Contact Sandra Wick, District Crop Production Agent, with questions at 785-282-6823.

By: Nora Rhoades

Save the Date: Regional Farmers’ Market Workshop

Join us in Beloit on February 28, 2020 to find answers to your questions about selling goods, sales tax, and food safety, for all types of products. Cost to attend the workshop will be $20, which includes lunch.

Scale Certification – FREE: Vendors can bring their sales scale to the workshop to get certified for free, which is a $40 value.

For more information, please visit:

Online registration will be made available in the January Knowledge to Action Newsletter.

By: Ashley Svaty