Category: November 2017

Advance Health Care Directives – Plan to have Family Discussions over the Holidays

Some people prefer to keep their legal documents private and disclose little or no information regarding their personal decisions. With end-of-life issues, however, communication is key. Initiating a conversation with others about your end-of-life wishes can be unsettling, but having these conversations will ensure that future health care plans are made and that appropriate parties are aware of those plans.

As you prepare to gather with family and close friends over the holidays, consider incorporating a time to discuss your advance health care directives. The resource, Advance Health Care Planning in Kansas, will provide assistance as you outline your wishes and prepare for these sometimes difficult, yet very important discussions.

By:  Nora Rhoades

New Soil Testing Equipment

Post Rock Extension District is grateful for the support from the Solomon Valley Community Foundation to purchase new soil testing equipment for the Beloit Office. The equipment includes a soil probe, a soil testing kit including a bucket with augers (12” and 24”) and a portable drill. This equipment is available for producers and gardeners of Mitchell County to check out and use for obtaining soil samples for testing their soil for nutrient needs. There is also a handheld pH tester for our Post Rock Extension District staff to use for monitoring and testing the soil pH for clients.

Fall is a great time to take a soil test, stop by the office today!

By: Cassie Homan

Identity Theft: What to know, What to do

Is someone using your personal or financial information to make purchases, get benefits, file taxes, or commit fraud? That’s identity theft.

If have become a victim of fraud, the Federal Trade Commission shares that the first step is to call the companies where the fraud occurred.

  • Call the fraud department. Explain that someone stole your identity. Ask them to close or freeze the accounts. Then, no one can add new charges unless you agree.
  • Change logins, passwords, and PINS for your accounts.

Visit to report theft and get a personal recovery plan. Learn more steps in the FTC’s resource, Identity Theft: What to know, What to do.

By:  Nora Rhoades

You Asked It!

Karen Blakeslee from the K-State Rapid Response Center publishes this newsletter each month and bases articles on questions received, current food safety issues, or timely information. The topics found in the current issue are found below and the entire November You Asked It! E-Newsletter can be found here.

  • Cooking Dry Beans Safely
  • Adding Lavender to Food
  • Cooking Class and Baking Class for Kids
  • Myths about the Alkaline Diet
  • Freezing Yeast Dough
  • Tips & Trick for Dental Health
  • Low Oxalate Spinach
  • The Holidays!
  • What is Saccharomyces cerevisiae?

By:  Ashley Svaty