Category: August 2021

Fertilizing Strawberries

Strawberry beds might be done producing for the summer, but that doesn’t mean we can forget them. An August application of nitrogen on spring-bearing strawberries is important in order to increase the number of strawberries produced next spring. Plenty of daylight and warm temperatures during June, July and August promotes the growth of new runners, or daughter plants. As daylight hours dwindle and temperatures grow cooler in September and October, fruit buds for the next year’s fruit crop develop. To get a good berry crop next spring, it is important for strawberry plants to be vigorous during this period of fruit bud development.

Nitrogen, applied mid-August, will help promote fruit bud development. A general application rate is ½ to 3/4 pound of actual nitrogen per 100 feet of row. The nitrogen may be in the form of a fertilizer mixture such as ammonium phosphate or 12-12-12, or in a fertilizer containing only nitrogen such as urea or ammonium nitrate. Some specific examples would include:

Iron + (11-0-0) at 6 pounds per 100 feet of row.

12-12-12 at 5.5 pounds per 100 feet of row.

Nitrate of Soda (16-0-0) at 4 pounds per 100 feet of row

Ammonium sulfate (21-0-0) at 3 pounds per 100 feet of row

Urea (46-0-0) at 1.5 pounds per 100 feet of row

By: Cassie Homan

Free KDA Food Safety Webinars

The Kansas Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Lodging Program will continue monthly online webinars on food safety issues throughout 2021. The free webinar series will cover a variety of food safety issues that are of interest to food business operators, managers, and workers.

Each 30-minute webinar will consist of a presentation by food safety and lodging inspectors from across the state, followed by an opportunity for participants to ask questions of the presenters and other KDA Food Safety and Lodging Staff. These webinars are an outreach of the Food Protection Task Force, which serves to expand the knowledge base of the food and feed industry in Kansas.

The next six months of the webinar series have been scheduled.  Each presentation will take place online at 3:00 pm Central time.

August 30 – Pet Treat Requirements

September 27 – Grocery Store Food Safety

October 25 – Holiday Cooking:  food safety when preparing for large groups

November 29 – Specialized Processes: sous vide, ROP, sushi, etc.

December 27 – Food Safety Q&A

Register on the KDA Food Protection Task Force page at There is no cost to participate, but you must register to receive the login access information.

By: Ashley Svaty