Tag: Child and Youth

Play with Free Stuff: No Batteries Required!

Open-ended materials have an infinite number of uses, limited only by your child’s imagination. By giving your child recycled, open-ended materials to play with, not only are you fostering her creativity and problem-solving skills, but you are saving money, as well… Explore open-ended ways to play with your child by reading the complete article by Toni Sturdivant at Our Learning Moments.

 By:  Nora Rhoades

December Babysitting Clinic

Nora Rhoades Family and Youth Development Agent
Nora Rhoades
Family and Youth
Development Agent

Calling all youth 10 years and up! Join us at the Super Sitter Babysitting Clinic on December 21, 2016 in Beloit to practice using powers that will improve your ability to keep children happy and healthy as you go about your babysitting adventures.

Babysitting powers you’ll learn and practice include: meeting a child’s needs throughout their daily routine; basic first aid & emergency preparedness; easy-to-prepare nutritious snacks and meals; interacting with children as they grow, play and learn; and managing parent expectations. Space is limited, so register soon! Registration information and complete clinic details can be found at http://www.postrock.k-state.edu/events/.

By: Nora Rhoades

Tips for Spending Quality Time with Your Child

It isn’t about endless hours of time – it’s about how you choose to spend that time that truly matters. Checkout the National Association for the Educational of Young Children’s blog for insight and simple tips that can improve the quality of time you spend building connections with your child. Tips for Spending Quality Time with Your Child

By:  Nora Rhoades

Dealing With Holiday Stress

Explore suggestions to dealing with unwanted stress throughout the holiday season. Recognize potential triggers in advance and develop strategies to cope with, decrease, and eliminate stressors that keep you and your family from enjoying the season.zebra

Read the latest Building Strong Families issue at http://www.postrock.k-state.edu/home-family/monthly-column/building-strong-families/ to explore:

  • Setting expectations
  • Making connections
  • Self-care
  • Teaching kids to keep things in perspective
  • Selecting toys for children

By:  Nora Rhoades

Enroll Youth in 4-H

enroll-youth-in-4-h4-H is a community of young people across Kansas engaged in learning leadership, citizenship, and life skills. Caring adults who support our programs are essential for youth to achieve their potential. Adults can share guidance, knowledge and wisdom, as well as model respect and provide skills training.

Want to join or volunteer? Contact your local extension office to learn how. Find out more details at http://www.postrock.k-state.edu/4-h/join/.

By:  Nora Rhoades

Youth Enrichment Programs

The 2016-2017 Youth Enrichment brochure provides local educators with the opportunity to bring K-State Research and Extension into thenrichment_activities-e1405403571472-550x400e classroom. These programs provide hands on learning for local youth and are designed to enhance your child’s knowledge and personal growth. The programs cover a variety of topic areas including livestock, money management, horticulture, food and nutrition, agronomy and healthy relationships. The offerings can be found at:


By:  Ashley Goudey

Developmental Milestones — A Guide for Parents

How do you know if your child’s development is on the right track? Although no two children grow at the same rate, experts agree there are “normal” signs of development. The KSRE Developmental Milestones fact sheets provide a checklist of important milestones in your child’s development during the years of life. They are a simple tool you can use to become aware of and appreciate the dramatic changes that are occurring in your child.

By:  Nora Rhoades