Tag: Physical Activity

Walk Kansas Poker Walks

Walk for health, fun, and prizes! Post Rock District is hosting 5 area poker walks to celebrate Walk Kansas.  Bring a friend, have fun, and walk as much as you would like.  The walkers with the best and worst poker hand at each event will win a prize.  There will also be a special prize for 2018 Walk Kansas participants. For more information about these poker walks, please contact Ashley Svaty, asvaty@ksu.edu. Walk Kansas Participants be sure to wear your Walk Kansas t-shirts!  We hope to see you there!

Poker Walk Locations:

Lincoln Courthouse
April 20th, 11:30-1pm

Emerson Lake in Jewell
(1 block West on Pearl Street off Hwy 14)
April 23rd, 4:30-6pm

Osborne Track
April 25th, 11:30-1pm

Smith Center Track
April 25th, 6:30-8pm

Mitchell County Courthouse
April 27th, 11:30-1pm

By:  Ashley Svaty

Be a Role Model for your Child

Research shows that when parents increase their physical activity, their children will do the same.  This also rings true for Fruit and vegetable intake. Your children look up to you, so be positive about how your decisions to eat healthier and move more make you feel better. Feel free to follow these links for more information to becoming a healthier role model for your children.

By:  Ashley Svaty

Stay Strong, Stay Healthy in Osborne and Smith Center

Ashley Svaty
Nutrition, Food Safety
and Health Agent

Stay Strong Stay Healthy is an evidence-based program for older adults who want to improve quality of life and stay active. Over eight weeks, participants will increase their strength and improve their balance and flexibility.  Strength training has many benefits and Post Rock District is very excited to bring Stay Strong Stay Healthy to Osborne and Smith County. The exercises are easy to learn, safe, and effective.

Classes will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Smith County Courthouse from 10:00-11:00am and also at the Osborne Library from 2:00-3:00 pm from May 9th-June 29th. All equipment will be provided. Registration due by May 4th with $20 registration fee. Minimum registration is required to hold classes.

Register here or visit our offices in Osborne or Smith Center.

By:  Ashley Svaty

Strength Training Opportunity in Beloit and Mankato

Ashley Svaty
Nutrition, Food Safety
and Health Agent

Have you been wanting to make your health a priority?  Now is a great time to do just that!  Registration is now open for the upcoming older adult strength training program Stay Strong, Stay Healthy. Strength training is especially important in older adults and can improve balance, strength, flexibility, and quality of life. We will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning February 21st – April 18th.  The Mankato session will begin at 10:30 at the Mankato Community Center.  The Beloit session will be held at the NCK Wellness Center and will begin at 2:30. Each session will be 1 hour and we will meet for 16 sessions.  Registration is required along with a $20 registration fee.  You can register here or by visiting our office in Mankato or Beloit.  Feel free to contact Ashley at asvaty@ksu.edu with any questions about the program.

By:  Ashley Svaty

Take Care of Your Heart

February is American Heart Month.  The American Heart Association gives 7 simple rules to live better and to take care of your heart. For more information, visit our February issue of Building Strong Families.

  • Be physically active every day. Kids should be active for at least 60 minutes a day. Be a role model for your children and be active with them at least 30 minutes on most days of the week.
  • Eat a heart-healthy diet. When you eat a heart-healthy diet, you improve your chances for feeling good and staying healthy – for life!  Include colorful fruits and vegetables in every meal.
  • Keep a healthy weight. When you shed extra fat and unnecessary pounds, you reduce the burden on your heart, lungs, blood vessels and skeleton.
  • Keep your blood sugar healthy. Most of the food we eat is turned into glucose (or blood sugar) that our bodies use for energy. Over time, high levels of blood sugar can damage your heart, kidneys, eyes and nerves

 Source: American Heart Association

By:  Ashley Svaty

Walk Kansas March 19th – May 13th

Walk Kansas will be here before we know it! Make sure you are following us on Twitter @KSRE_PostRock and on Facebook to stay updated when registration opens! Gather up a team of 6-or go solo and we will find a team for you!  This year we will have weekly drawings and other surprises in store! Encourage your friends to join this great program that makes our health a #1 priority. Feel free to visit the Walk Kansas homepage for more information www.walkkansas.org.

By:  Ashley Svaty

Strength Training Program for Older Adults


Ashley Svaty Nutrition, Food Safety and Health Agent
Ashley Svaty
Nutrition, Food Safety
and Health Agent

Stay Strong Stay Healthy is an evidence-based program for older adults who want to improve quality of life and stay active.  Over eight weeks, participants will increase their strength and improve their balance and flexibility.  Strength training has many benefits and Post Rock District is very excited to bring Stay Strong Stay Healthy to Lincoln County. The exercises are easy to learn, safe, and effective.  Classes will be held Mondays and Wednesdays at the Lincoln Senior Center from 2:00-3:00 pm October 31st-December 21st.  Registration due by October 14th with $20 registration fee. Space is limited, register early. All equipment will be provided. Contact the Lincoln Extension office at (785) 524-4432 to register.

By:  Ashley Svaty