Tag: Safety

Kansas Radon Fall Outreach Campaign

With all of us spending more time at home, now is a good time to test your home for radon.

Radon is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, and chemically inert radioactive gas. It is formed by the natural radioactive decay of uranium in the rock, soil and water. Testing for it is the only way of telling how much is present.

Radon enters our homes through cracks in the concrete floors and walls, floor drains and sump pits.

Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer after smoking. The EPA recommends any house that tests 4.0 or over be mitigated to reduce radon levels.

Quick facts about radon:

  • Radon induced lung cancer is the #1 cause of death in homes. 1 in 4 Kansas homes has high levels of radon.
  • If you are buying or selling a home, Kansas law requires that all radon testing be conducted by state-certified radon professionals.
  • The only way to know the radon level anywhere is to test. Radon test kits can be purchased at the Post Rock District extension offices, or through K-State online at sosradon.org. Radon test kits can cost anywhere from $5 to $25 depending on where you purchase them.
  • If your home has elevated radon levels you can have a radon mitigation system installed which will reduce radon to below 4.0.

By: Brenda Langdon

Free Stop the Bleed Training

Dr. Overmiller and other SCMH staff will present a free Stop the Bleed training at the Smith County Memorial hospital conference room. Training will be at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 11 and will last about an hour. Participants will learn about the national Stop the Bleed program, why bleeding control is important in life-threatening events and demonstration and practice with tourniquets and other bleeding control tools. For more information, please call the Smith County Memorial Hospital (785) 282-6845.

By: Ashley Svaty

Up and Away and Out of Sight — Safe Medicine Storage

You love the children in your life and would do anything for them. Are all of your medicines stored safely?

Approximately 60,000 young children are brought to the emergency room each year because they got into medicines that were left within reach.

Learn simple strategies to safely store your medicine at <https://www.upandaway.org/>.

By:  Nora Rhoades

Safe Winter Driving Tips

Ashley Svaty Nutrition, Food Safety and Health Agent
Ashley Svaty
Nutrition, Food Safety and Health Agent

Winter weather will be here before we know it, below are tips from the Kansas Department of Transportation for winter driving. The full article is available at http://bit.ly/1PjJtBT .

  • If the weather is bad, remember Ice and Snow, Take It Slow, or just don’t go.
  • Be aware of the latest weather conditions by visiting kandrive.org, calling 5-1-1 from anywhere in Kansas or1-866-511-KDOT (5368), or visiting 511 Mobile at http://511mm.ksdot.org
  • Prepare your vehicle, check your tires, wiper blades, fluids, lights, belts, and hoses.
  • Remove any snow on your vehicle’s windows, lights, brake lights and signals. Make sure you can see and be seen.
  • Leave with plenty of time to reach your destination safely.
  • In snowy conditions, drive well below the posted speed limit and leave plenty of room between cars.
  • Don’t talk on your cell phone or use your mobile device while driving.

By:  Ashley Svaty

Walking Safely at Night

Many of us find ourselves coming home near dusk or even dark.  Does this mean we should skip our evening physical activity?  No way.  Follow these tips to stay safe while walking at night.walking-safely-at-night

  1. Wear reflective gear. Being seen is important while walking in dim light to ensure safety. Some fitness pants and jackets have reflectors built in but if not, a reflective vest, belt, or straps can do the trick.
  2. Light the way. Use a headlamp or flashlight to clearly see your route.
  3. Be cautious of traffic. Always walk or run on a sidewalk if possible.  If no sidewalk is available, face oncoming traffic so you can see upcoming headlights and move out of the way.  Hearing traffic is important so skip the headphones at night.
  4. Bring a friend. Not only for company to make the walk more enjoyable but drivers are more likely to see two people rather than if you ventured out alone.
  5. Stay warm. Temperatures can drop quickly once the sun goes down. Remember you can always take off layers and tie a jacket around your waist.

By:  Ashley Svaty