Tag: Strong Communities

Youth Enrichment Offerings

Providing education you can trust to help people, businesses and communities solve problems, develop skills and build a better future. Our supplemental youth enrichment activities will provide hands-on learning for your students and help you meet academic standards. All of our classes will be scheduled on a first come, first serve basis. To schedule a program contact the agent listed in the brochure. You can also contact your local Post Rock District Office.

By:  Nora Rhoades

Upcoming Facilitation Training

The Extension Master Community Facilitator program helps equip Kansans to assist local communities with community vitalization and develop efforts. Volunteers trained in the art of facilitation are skilled at hosting effective meeting, have the ability to assist with strategic planning, and lead conversations related to identify critical issues.

If you like organizing, engaging people, and feel there is a better way; then becoming an Extension Master Facilitator Volunteer may be for you. There is a comprehensive training program coming to Stockton, KS in September. To learn more about the experience and identify how to register, visit http://www.postrock.k-state.edu/. You can also contact Nora Rhoades or Ashley Svaty at your local Post Rock District Office with questions.

By:  Nora Rhoades

Farm Stress

Ag producers’ stress management is the focus of two September workshops in Dodge City and Manhattan.

Stress levels continue to climb in agriculture: Several years of low commodity prices, slipping farmland values and potential trade disruptions take a toll not only on balance sheets but farmers’ well being.

To help farmers, family members and others manage stress, K-State Research and Extension is hosting two one-day workshops.

North Dakota State University extension specialist Sean Brotherson will present “Managing Stress and Pursuing Wellness in Times of Tight Margins” on Thursday, September 20, at the Western State Bank Expo Center, 11333 US-283, in Dodge City. Lunch will be provided.

The next day, Friday, September 21, Brotherson will present the workshop in Manhattan at Kansas Farm Bureau, 2627 KFB Plaza. Lunch will be provided.

“You don’t have to be a farmer to benefit from this workshop,” said Debra Bolton, K-State human ecology extension specialist based in Garden City. “All are welcome, including farm family members, businesses, and anyone who wants to learn about managing stress.”

Each workshop day begins at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 4:30 p.m. The cost of the workshop is $20, which covers meals and materials.

To register online go to https://kstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8H7DrdrHNhHWaNL. Contact Nora Rhoades at your local Post Rock District Office with questions.

By:  Nora Rhoades

Grant Writing Workshop

Individuals and community groups can learn more about writing successful grant proposals at a workshop planned in Beloit on October 23rd.  The workshop is presented by Nancy Daniels, a community vitality specialist with K-State Research and Extension and the author of many grant proposals.  The training will be at NCK Technical College from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and includes lunch.  The cost to attend is $25.

For information and how to register for the event click here.

By: Aliesa Woods

It’s Fair Time!

We look forward to seeing you at your local county fair! Individuals of all ages are encouraged to exhibit a prized item, creation, and/or skill in Open Class. The fair is a great place to see local talent on display and to enjoy entertainment with your friends and family. Contact your local Post Rock District Office for the complete fair schedules and exhibiting guidelines. You can also visit http://www.postrock.k-state.edu/4-h/county-fairs/.

Post Rock District 2018 Fair Dates

Jewell County (Mankato): July 15—18th

Smith County (Smith Center): July 19—23rd

Lincoln County (Sylvan Grove): July 25—28th

Mitchell County (Beloit): July 25—28th

Osborne County (Osborne): July 25—30th


By:  Nora Rhoades

Family and Community Wellness

We’re so much more than old-school home economics. Family and Consumer Science Agents help build healthy, vibrant communities, families, and individuals. We are a leading force in your hometown and offer educational workshops for all ages and stages of life.

Nora Rhoades and Ashley Svaty, your local Family and Consumer Science Agents, are building partnerships and planning educational experiences for the fall and winter months. To start the conversation about bringing a life-changing experience to your community, contact a Post Rock District Office!

By:  Nora Rhoades

Community Leaders Engage in Critical Community Health Conversations

In a move to create a more prominent “culture of health” in our region, community leaders representing Jewell, Lincoln, Mitchell, Osborne and Smith Counties participated in a series of meetings Kansas State University organized across the state of Kansas.

They had one goal in mind: to make Kansans healthier.

Read more about these conversations, and discover why it is important for our communities to make health and wellness a priority at http://postrockextension.blogspot.com/2018/04/post-rock-district-community-leaders.html

By:  Nora Rhoades