Tag: Wellness

Experience a Low-Stress Holiday Season

As you gear up for the holiday season, take a moment to think ahead about possible stressors. Explore and practice healthy management strategies. Positive strategies can help you find more enjoyment throughout the holiday season and limit the ways stress exhausts your health and wellness. Contact Nora Rhoades at 785-346-2521 or nrhoades@ksu.edu to discuss your experience and to explore healthy strategies that can work for you!

By:  Nora Rhoades

Farm Stress

Ag producers’ stress management is the focus of two September workshops in Dodge City and Manhattan.

Stress levels continue to climb in agriculture: Several years of low commodity prices, slipping farmland values and potential trade disruptions take a toll not only on balance sheets but farmers’ well being.

To help farmers, family members and others manage stress, K-State Research and Extension is hosting two one-day workshops.

North Dakota State University extension specialist Sean Brotherson will present “Managing Stress and Pursuing Wellness in Times of Tight Margins” on Thursday, September 20, at the Western State Bank Expo Center, 11333 US-283, in Dodge City. Lunch will be provided.

The next day, Friday, September 21, Brotherson will present the workshop in Manhattan at Kansas Farm Bureau, 2627 KFB Plaza. Lunch will be provided.

“You don’t have to be a farmer to benefit from this workshop,” said Debra Bolton, K-State human ecology extension specialist based in Garden City. “All are welcome, including farm family members, businesses, and anyone who wants to learn about managing stress.”

Each workshop day begins at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 4:30 p.m. The cost of the workshop is $20, which covers meals and materials.

To register online go to https://kstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8H7DrdrHNhHWaNL. Contact Nora Rhoades at your local Post Rock District Office with questions.

By:  Nora Rhoades

Everyday Mindfulness

The term, “mindfulness” seems to be everywhere — it’s touted as the new yoga, the answer to stress, or the alternative to prescription drugs. But beyond the buzz, do you understand the concepts of “mindfulness”? With the Everyday Mindfulness fact sheet, K-State Research and Extension professionals aim to provide a definition of mindfulness, share some of the benefits of practicing mindfulness, provide samples of simple exercises, and provide resources to explore. View the entire resource at: https://www.bookstore.ksre.ksu.edu/pubs/MF3424.pdf. Contact Nora Rhoades if you want to learn more about mindfulness or to explore ways you can practice mindfulness in throughout your unique lifestyle.

By:  Nora Rhoades

Family and Community Wellness

We’re so much more than old-school home economics. Family and Consumer Science Agents help build healthy, vibrant communities, families, and individuals. We are a leading force in your hometown and offer educational workshops for all ages and stages of life.

Nora Rhoades and Ashley Svaty, your local Family and Consumer Science Agents, are building partnerships and planning educational experiences for the fall and winter months. To start the conversation about bringing a life-changing experience to your community, contact a Post Rock District Office!

By:  Nora Rhoades

Dogs, Cats, and Birds, Oh My!

Research backs the claims of the physical, emotional, and mental support pets provide for their families. However, along with the many added benefits of having pets there are the financial expenses for caring for your animal. K-State Research and Extension provides the following fact sheet to help you consider and budget for the expenses surrounding pet ownership.

Dogs, Cats, and Birds, Oh My! ― Factoring Pet Costs into a Family Budget can be accessed online at https://www.bookstore.ksre.ksu.edu/pubs/MF3368.pdf or by visiting your local Post Rock District Office.

By:  Nora Rhoades

Stress Management

Everybody experiences both good and bad stress, and we need strategies to cope and manage it in our daily lives.

Nora Rhoades, Post Rock District Family and Youth Development Agent, is featured on Nex-Tech’s Extension Ed Talks discussing stress management. She provides insight about what stress is and how it influences us both positively and negatively. Nora shares practical strategies to improve your wellness through positive stress management. You can also learn about stress management through the K-State Research and Extension resource, Keys to Embracing Aging: Stress Management.

By:  Nora Rhoades

Walk Kansas is Almost Here!

Post Rock District is gearing up for Walk Kansas 2018, are you ready? We are excited to announce some changes and additions to this year’s program! This year Walk Kansas will provide a focus on stretching exercises and the many benefits a stretching program can provide including: a decrease in chronic pain, better circulation, improved joint mobility, efficient muscular function and enhanced posture.

Participants and teams will have the choice of registering for the challenge only for $8, registering for any challenge and a t-shirt for $17, or any challenge and a new baseball style t-shirt for $22.  These are new styles of t-shirts so samples will be available in each office once registration opens on February 22nd.  Your registration gets you access to the interactive Walk Kansas website, weekly newsletters to keep you motivated and on track with your goals, and chances to win Walk Kansas prizes!

This year we are adding Poker Walks in each Post Rock District county so be sure to watch for updates in our next newsletter!

Registration will begin Mid-February. Find the Walk Kansas Event on the Post Rock Extension Facebook Page to stay in the know!

For more information about this motivating health program visit http://www.walkkansas.org/ or email Ashley at asvaty@ksu.edu

By:  Ashley Svaty