Author: Ashley Goudey

Great time to try Papaya!

Have you ever eaten papaya? June is papaya month so try papaya on the grill, in a smoothie, dried, or in a salad! Papaya is a good source of potassium and folate and is an excellent source of Vitamins C & A. Did you know that papaya range in color from pale yellow to deep orange and their tiny black seeds are edible and slightly peppery?

Remember that eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables help keep your body working at its best and is one of the best ways to five your body a strong defense against disease.

– Ashley Goudey

Healthy Road Trip Snacks

  • Fresh fruit such as apples, bananas, and little mandarins are go-to’s-they are fresh & easy to pack. Make sure that you have a bag to throw away the peels and cores.
  • Make your own trail mix with whole grain cereal, unsweetened dried fruit, nuts. Store in snack sized zip lock baggies.road trips
  • Low-fat cheese sticks
  • Sandwiches on 100% whole grain bread
  • Water bottles are essential, pack them and you won’t be tempted to buy a sugary drink when you stop for breaks.

-Ashley Goudey

Flower Power Eggs


  1. Slice bell peppers (green, red, yellow, orange) into ½ inch rings.
  2. Heat a lightly oiled skillet on low.
  3. Place pepper rings in the skillet. Crack an egg in the middle of each ring.
  4. Wash bell peppers with water. Stem and remove cores leaving the pepper whole.
  5. Sprinkle a little bit of water (approximately 1 teaspoon) in the pan; cover and cook over low heat until yolks are firm or reach an internal temperature of 160 °F. Use a food thermometer to be sure.
  6. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, and serve immediately.

Onion variaNew eggtion: Peel and wash onion. Remove stem and root ends. Slice onion into ½ inch slices. Use the largest ring; place in an oiled skillet over medium heat. When one side is browned, flip the onion ring over. Crack an egg in the middle and cook the same as in steps #4 and #5 above.

Avocado variation: Avocados develop a custard-like texture when cooked. Slice an avocado lengthwise, with the skin on, forming one thick slice in the middle. (You will have some leftover avocado pieces.) Remove the seed. Use a small cookie cutter to make a hole in the center of your thick avocado slice. Place the avocado slice in the oiled skillet. Crack an egg into the center of the hole and continue steps #4 and #5 above.


-Ashley Goudey

How do I Keep Motivated After Walk Kansas?

Now that the dates for the 8-week Health initiative, Walk Kansas, have come and gone, we are going to continue to move! Just because the program is through doesn’t mean you have to stop being active. Remember how great you felt after eating more fruits and vegetables and reaching your physical activity goals? Follow us on Twitter (@KSRE_PostRock or @PRDhealth) and Facebook for health tips to incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet and how to make physical activity fun!

-Ashley Goudey

International Picnic Day, June 18th

Grab your family and go on a picnic today!  Plan ahead to keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold while you are out! Harmful bacteria grows at temperatures between 40°-140°F, especially at temperatures above 90°F.

  • Chill foods in the refrigerator before packing them in the cooler.
  • Keep plenty of ice in the cooler so foods stay cool.
  • Put the cooler in the passenger area of the car. It’s much cooler tha Picture1n the trunk.
  • Put food back in the cooler as soon as you finish eating.
  • Unpack the cooler as soon as you get home.

-Ashley Goudey