Category: March 2020

Let’s Walk Kansas!

K-State Research and Extension is pleased to offer Walk Kansas, a health initiative designed to help you move more, eat better and live life to the fullest. Walk Kansas is a team-based program, meaning that you are part of a 5-6 member team and together you will select a goal (challenge) to work toward during the 8 weeks (March 15-May 9, 2020). Here are the options for your team:

  • Challenge 1: 8 Wonders of Kansas! This journey requires each person to get 2 ½ hrs of activity per/wk.
  • Challenge 2: Cross Country, which requires 4 hrs of activity per person/week.
  • Challenge 3: Little Balkans to Nicodemus –This requires 6 hrs of activity per person/week.

This year, each Post Rock District Walk Kansas captain of a team of 5-6 will receive a Walk Kansas waist pouch! Registration is now open at or by visiting any Post Rock District Extension office.  If registering online, be sure to choose “Post Rock District” as your county/district. Registration for Walk Kansas is $10 per participant t-shirts, long sleeve shirts, and sweatshirts are available for an additional cost.  If you’re looking for something motivating and fun to beat those winter blues, join us for Walk Kansas 2020!

By: Ashley Svaty

Lawn Calendar for Warm-Season Grass

Warm seasons grasses include Bermudagrass, Buffalograss, and Zoysiagrass they require special care to survive our hot and dry summers. Year round attention is needed to keep the weeds down and help your grass look green and lush. Follow this DIY calendar to care for your lawn each month.

View the whole article for even more tips;

By: Cassie Homan

Healthy Living Workshop Coming to Beverly

If you are living with an ongoing health condition (such as arthritis, asthma, diabetes, high blood pressure, or depression) or you are a caregiver of someone who does, this is for you! Living with Chronic Conditions workshops are interactive learning opportunities that teach techniques to manage common symptoms.

FREE 6-week workshop series led by trained leaders to help you:

  • Learn decision-making and problem solving skills
  • Communicate effectively with family, friends and health professionals
  • Manage fatigue
  • Learn new ways to eat healthy
  • Control pain
  • Increase physical activity
  • Set and accomplish Goals
  • Deal with anger, depression, and difficult emotions

Fridays at 11am-1pm (lunch provided)

March 6th – April 10th

Beverly Community Church

200 N Agnes Ave. Beverly, KS

Call 785-524-4406 to register by March 3rd

By: Ashley Svaty

Super Sitter Babysitting Clinic

The Post Rock District is partnering with Beloit Parks & Recreation to offer a babysitting clinic for youth, 10 years & older. Join us for this opportunity to learn and practice skills that will improve your ability to keep children happy and healthy as you go about your babysitting adventures! Registration is due by March 13 or until full. Find registration and payment information at under events.

By: Nora Rhoades

Soil Temperature and Vegetables

One of the most neglected tools for vegetable gardeners is a soil thermometer. Soil temperature is a much better measure of when to plant than air temperature or the calendar. Planting when soil is too cool can cause some seeds to rot and transplants to not root successfully.

A number of vegetables can germinate and grow at cool temperatures. For example, peas will germinate and grow well at a soil temperature of 40 F. Though lettuce, parsnips, and spinach can sprout at a soil temperature of 35 F, they prefer at least 45 F for best germination and growth. Radishes also do well at a soil temperature of 45 F. Even if the seeds of these cool- season crops are planted below the recommended soil temperature, the seed will rarely rot.

Warm-season crops such as tomatoes, sweet corn and beans are different. They prefer at least 55 F for germination (or transplanting), but others such as peppers, cucumbers, melons and sweet potatoes need it even warmer, about 60 F. If planted when soils are too cool, they likely will rot before germinating.

To take the temperature of your soil first, use a metal soil thermometer, which is sold in many garden, auto parts and hardware stores. Take temperature 2.5 inches deep at about 10 to 11 a.m. Temperature variations throughout the day and night affect soil temperature, with lowest readings after dawn and warmest around mid-afternoon. The late-morning reading gives a good average temperature. Be sure to get a consistent reading for four to five days in a row before planting, and make sure a cold snap is not predicted.

By: Cassie Homan

Stay Strong, Stay Healthy Coming to Cawker City

Have you been wanting to make your health a priority?  Now is a great time to do just that!  Registration is now open for the upcoming older adult strength training program Stay Strong, Stay Healthy. Strength training is especially important in older adults and can improve balance, strength, flexibility, and quality of life. Stay Strong, Stay Healthy is an 8-week 16 session class.

When: Mondays and Wednesdays 2-3pm March 16- May 6th

Where: Cawker City Weightroom (Northwest of Elementary school)

Cost: $20, financial scholarships are available.

Registration is required, and you can do so by visiting our office in Beloit (785) 738-3597 or Osborne (785) 346-2521.  Feel free to contact Ashley, the instructor at  with any questions about the program or visit

By: Ashley Svaty