Tag: Food

Elimination of Food Sales Tax

The Kansas Legislature passed a bill to eliminate the state sales tax on groceries by 2025. This will not happen immediately, as the tax will gradually decrease over time.

The first sales tax decrease from 6.5% to 4% goes into effect on January 1, 2023. The tax will then drop again from 4% to 2% on January 1, 2024, and will be eliminated entirely on January 1, 2025.

Many regular grocery store items will qualify for this change, but prepared foods do not. Foods that do qualify for the sales tax elimination include basic grocery items like produce, milk, eggs, bread, meat, bakery items, bottled water and soft drinks, candy and dietary supplements

Foods that do not qualify and will still be taxed at the state’s 6.5% rate include prepared foods that are ready to eat or just need reheating, foods sold along with eating utensils provided by the seller, alcoholic drinks and tobacco.

Local taxes on food will also remain in effect, meaning that groceries won’t be totally tax-free if the town, city or county where you shop has a local or county sales tax.

By: Brenda Langdon

Online Food Preservation Videos and Publications

Looking for ways to learn about food preservation? Videos can help! There are several resources available to help guide you.

From selecting recipes to storage, the process of preserving food safely is in your hands! Start with reliable, tested recipes and follow them exactly. A lot of science goes into food preservation, so using researched recipes is the best choice. Using untested recipes, methods or outdated equipment can lead to spoiled food or foodborne illness.

So let us help! See the video selections at www.rrc.k-state.edu/preservation/videos.html

Many publications are also available at your fingertips! Learn more at www.rrc.k-state.edu/preservation/index.html

Do you pressure can? If so, it’s recommended to have your dial gauge tested annually by the extension office.  Please email Ashley Svaty at asvaty@ksu.edu to discuss a process for testing your gauge to ensure a safe canning season!

By: Ashley Svaty

Have a Healthy Holiday Season!

The holiday season is here and parties and gatherings are being planned to celebrate the season. Whether it is a small gathering or a large office potluck, remember to bring healthy treats to curb high-calorie snacking.

Holidays offer many food temptations. Spread out the sweet treats so they are not lurking around every corner. Guests will appreciate lighter, non-sweet options more than you think. Parties can be stressful for some because they feel overwhelmed and forget that the season should be fun. This leads to mindless snacking and extra calories.

Offer healthy choices such as using whole wheat bread for sandwiches and seltzer water with fruit instead of soda. Encourage people to take a walk to work off holiday stress and anxiety.

Do you have several parties to attend? Plan ahead to help reduce those extra calories. Eat a small meal for breakfast with whole grains, fruit and protein. Don’t starve yourself thinking you’ll save room for party food. Take small bites and savor the delicious party foods. Go through the buffet once to reduce nibbling.

Above all, take time to relax and enjoy the holiday season!

Source: www.cdc.gov/features/healthy-holidays-work/index.html and www.eatright.org/health/lifestyle/seasonal/helpful-tips-for-healthy-holiday-parties

By:  Ashley Svaty