Tag: Medication

Safely Dispose Your Unused Medications

Medicine prescribed to you is for your use only. If your medicine cabinet is full of expired drugs or medications you no longer use, it’s time to properly dispose them. The best way to dispose of your expired, unwanted, or unused medicines is through a drug take back program — or you can do it at home through the following three ways according to the FDA.

  • Drop off unused medicines at a household hazardous waste site or mobile drop-off site. Some Kansas counties host take-back days. Remember to scratch off the label or mark it out so that your name, address and type of medication can’t be read by another person.
  • Mix medications into kitty litter, used coffee grounds or other undesirable substance and place in a sealed Ziploc bag. Then, dispose of it in household trash. Your local Post Rock District offices have a limited supply of FREE medication disposal bags that inactivate medications. Call or visit your local office to get a bag or two to properly dispose of your unused or expired medicine. (Available until supplies last)
  • Flush dangerous medications down the toilet if you have no other disposal option. However, only medications that are approved for flushing should be disposed of this way. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has a short list of medications that can be flushed found here: FDA Flush List.

By: Ashley Svaty