This time of year, gardens often have an excess of fresh produce. Don’t let it go to waste! We put together a quick video explaining tomato growing tips and then demonstrating a yummy fresh salsa recipe.
Watch the video here.
By: Cassie Homan
This time of year, gardens often have an excess of fresh produce. Don’t let it go to waste! We put together a quick video explaining tomato growing tips and then demonstrating a yummy fresh salsa recipe.
Watch the video here.
By: Cassie Homan
The hot weather we have had recently can interfere with how quickly our vegetables and fruits mature. The best temperature for tomato growth and fruit development is 85 to 90F. When temperatures exceed 100 degrees, the plant goes into survival mode and concentrates on moving water. Fruit development slows to a crawl. When temperatures moderate, even to the low to mid 90s, the fruit will ripen more quickly.
Tomato color can also be affected by heat. When temperatures rise above 95 degrees F, red pigments don’t form properly though the orange and yellow pigments do. This results in orange fruit. This doesn’t affect the edibility of the tomato, but often gardeners want that deep red color back.
So, can we do anything to help our tomatoes ripen and have good color during extreme heat? Sure, there is. We can pick tomatoes in the “breaker” stage. Breaker stage tomatoes are those that have started to turn color. At this point, the tomato has cut itself off from the vine and nothing will be gained by keeping it on the plant. If tomatoes are picked at this stage and brought into an air-conditioned house, they will ripen more quickly and develop a good, red color. A temperature of 75 to 85 degrees F will work well.
By: Cassie Homan
Telling when a melon is ready to be harvested can be a challenge, or it may be quite easy. It all depends on the type of melon.
Let’s start with the easy one. Muskmelons are one of those crops that tell you when they are ready to be picked. This can help you not only harvest melons at the correct time but also choose good melons when shopping.
As a melon ripens, a layer of cells around the stem softens so the melon detaches easily from the vine. This is called “slipping” and will leave a dish shaped scar at the point of stem attachment. When harvesting melons, put a little pressure where the vine attaches to the fruit. If ripe, it will release or “slip.”
When choosing a melon from those that have already been harvested, look for a clean, dish shaped scar. Also, ripe melons have a pleasant, musky aroma if the melons are at room temperature (not refrigerated).
Watermelons can be more difficult and growers often use several techniques to tell when to harvest.
By: Cassie Homan
Did you plant onions this year? We are getting close to harvest time. This video shows you how to best harvest and store onions.
By: Cassie Homan
If you planted lettuce this spring, it won’t be long before it’s time to harvest. Lettuce is fun to grow because it’s one of our quickest vegetables. There are a few different ways to harvest the leaves and enjoy them over the summer. Watch this video to learn how to harvest your lettuce crop.
By: Cassie Homan
The veggies that we grow in the garden fit into two groups, based on their temperature preferences – cool season and warm season crops.
Most cool season crops can be planted and will germinate when soil temperatures average 45F. These include:
Most warm season crops will not germinate and should not be planted until soil temperatures are 55F- some even 60F. These veggies are:
We typically reach the 45F level about mid to late March and the 55F level about late April.
The next step is to know what the soil temperature is. K-State Mesonet Site is a great resource to find local soil temperatures.
By: Cassie Homan
One of the most neglected tools for vegetable gardeners is a soil thermometer. Soil temperature is a much better measure of when to plant than air temperature or the calendar. Planting when soil is too cool can cause some seeds to rot and transplants to not root successfully.
A number of vegetables can germinate and grow at cool temperatures. For example, peas will germinate and grow well at a soil temperature of 40° F. Though lettuce, parsnips, and spinach can sprout at a soil temperature of 35° F, they prefer at least 45° F for best germination and growth. Radishes also do well at a soil temperature of 45° F. Even if the seeds of these cool- season crops are planted below the recommended soil temperature, the seed will rarely rot.
Warm-season crops such as tomatoes, sweet corn and beans are different. They prefer at least 55° F for germination (or transplanting), but others such as peppers, cucumbers, melons and sweet potatoes need it even warmer, about 60° F. If planted when soils are too cool, they likely will rot before germinating.
To take the temperature of your soil first, use a metal soil thermometer, which is sold in many garden, auto parts and hardware stores. Take temperature 2.5 inches deep at about 10 to 11 a.m. Temperature variations throughout the day and night affect soil temperature, with lowest readings after dawn and warmest around mid-afternoon. The late-morning reading gives a good average temperature. Be sure to get a consistent reading for four to five days in a row before planting, and make sure a cold snap is not predicted.
By: Cassie Homan