Kansas State University


Department of Communications and Agricultural Education

Category: 2015

Small town girl hits the big city

Story by McKayla Brubaker, senior (ACJ)

McKayla Brubaker
McKayla Brubaker, senior (ACJ), poses with the research poster she created and presented.


As a small-town girl, my trip to the Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists (SAAS) Conference in Atlanta was quite an adventure. Despite my shy and nervous nature, seeing the city and learning about research conducted by graduate students and faculty across the region was a great experience. I shared a poster about my undergraduate research findings from my work with Dr. Baker.

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Grad students present at research conference

Jessie Topp and Scott Stebner pose with their second-place research poster.
Jessie Topp and Scott Stebner earned  second-place for their research poster.

Story by Cassie Wandersee (first year graduate student)

Agricultural education and communications graduate students presented two research papers and five posters at the 2015 SAAS (Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists) Conference. Topics ranged from extension communications to undergraduate research experiences. Continue reading “Grad students present at research conference”

CASE Institutes: Science-based curriculum and training

The Case Institutes provide teachers with curriculum and training.
The Case Institutes provide teachers with curriculum and training for rigorous STEM education. (Photo provided by CASE Institutes.)

“For teachers looking for new ideas in their classrooms, who don’t feel like they have the time during the school year, CASE is a great way to prepare yourself for a more rigorous and STEM-focused class,” says Brandie Disberger, agricultural education instructor.

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Professional development —Florida style

Nicole Lane, senior in agricultural communications and journalism, learns more about Florida’s strawberry industry while visiting a large strawberry farm.
Nicole Lane, senior (ACJ), learns more about Florida’s strawberry industry.

Story by Jordan Piechl, junior (ACJ)

This past January, 14 agricultural communications and journalism students ditched their winter coats and headed to Orlando, Florida, for the annual Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow (ACT) Professional Development Conference. The K-State group networked with students from across the nation, engaged with professionals through educational workshops and explored Florida agriculture.

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One amazing agricultural educator

Alumnus Jay O'brien (left) teaches students how to wire an electric circuit.
Alumnus Jay O’Brien (left) teaches students how to wire an electric circuit.

Story by Jackie Newland, sophomore (ACJ)

Alumnus Jay O’Brien (’13) did not begin his college career knowing he wanted to be an agricultural education major.

“I came from a family that homesteaded in the 1800s in the Cherryvale area, so I originally thought I might want to be a farmer or rancher, or even considered engineering,” O’Brien says. “I found a niche at K-State in the Agricultural Education Club and within my agriculture classes. From there, I started to be more involved with both.”

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The Story Behind the Story- Agriculturist 2015


Story by Kaitlin Morgan, senior (ACJ)

Many of you will soon open your mailboxes to find the spring 2015 edition of the Kansas State Agriculturist. I hope you enjoy reading every single page because I know all the blood, sweat and tears that went into making this edition the best it can be for you, our readers. Continue reading “The Story Behind the Story- Agriculturist 2015”

2015 Student Teacher Send Off

Back L to R: Mack Witzel, Jacob Stroda, Sara Schifferdecker, Sarah Lewis, Hannah Anderson, Kinzie Selke, Kailtyn Harlow, Jon Meyer. Front L to R: Amanda Strickler, Tara Lohse, Katelyn Vincent, Sara Wendt, Theresa Jardine, Alicia Hampton and Kayla Klahr

Story by Hannah Anderson, senior (AGED) and Jennifer Ray (master’s student)

This month, the communications and agricultural education department sent 15 student teaching interns to high school programs across the state. The interns will spend 19 weeks living, interacting and teaching in their respective communities. Continue reading “2015 Student Teacher Send Off”

New Year, New Resolutions

Story by Jackie Newland, sophomore (ACJ)


Students across Kansas State University’ Manhattan campus have made New Year’s resolutions. From academic goals to personal ambitions, agricultural communication and journalism students have set their sights high for 2015.

Dana Schulz, a senior plans to make her last year one to remember. “My New Year’s resolution for 2015 is to finish my last year strong,” says Schulz. “This time next year, I will be graduated and ready for a career. I want to learn as much as I can and get the most out of my K-State experience.”

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Thank you, alumni, for helping me along the way

Story by Maggie Seiler, senior (ACJ)


The communications world is a small place, and it sparkles with K-Staters. I realized this when I stepped off the plane for my first assignment as a traveling communications intern for ZimmComm New Media, LLC. At the time, I had just finished my sophomore year studying agricultural communications and journalism at Kansas State University, and I was still incredibly intimidated by the world of communications. Continue reading “Thank you, alumni, for helping me along the way”

Back in the Land of Kansas

Story by Jordan Pieschl, senior (ACJ)


Stacy Mayo, agricultural communications and journalism (’07), has used her talents in advertising and public relations to help agribusinesses around the nation to grow. After spending a few years in Chicago and Milwaukee, her career brought her back to Kansas to serve as the state’s agricultural trademark program director at the Kansas Department of Agriculture.

As director of the program, From the Land of Kansas, Mayo works to brand Kansas agricultural products as safe and wholesome. In addition, her efforts support Kansas farmers, ranchers and agribusinesses to achieve their business goals.

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