by Brandie Disberger, agricultural education instructor
Faculty members Gaea Hock, Jon Ulmer and Brandie Disberger, along with Jason Hughes, graduate student, and undergraduate students Trenton Smedley and Zachary Callaghan attended the National Learner Centered Teaching and the North Central Region of the American Association for Agricultural Education joint conferences hosted October 10-12 in East Lansing, Michigan.
Hock managed the social media during the conference for the American Association for Agricultural Educators and for K-State Agricultural Education. The research portion of the conference was coordinated by Kansas State University, led by Ulmer. Hock served as chair of the Program Improvement Committee; Ulmer and Disberger served on the Member Services Committee. Smedley and Callaghan presented research and participated in the student experience portion of the conference, which included a tour of the Michigan State campus and research farms.
Attendees from Kansas State University presented the following research during the conference:
Paper Presentations:
Prescribed pedagogical outcomes versus real-world challenges: A content analysis of Kansas AFNR course competency profiles
Zachary Callaghan & Gaea Hock, recognized as distinguished abstract
Agricultural education teachers knowledge and perceptions of service-learning
Trenton Smedley & Jon Ulmer
Kansas ag teachers’ perceptions of diversity & inclusion in agricultural education
Laura E. Miller, Gaea Hock, Jon Ulmer & Jason Ellis
The contributions of George Washington Owens to the development of agricultural education opportunities for African Americans
Zachary Callaghan & Gaea Hock
Teacher perceptions of the impact and challenges of middle school agricultural education experiences in Kansas
Anna Williamson, Gaea Hock, Jon Ulmer & Lori Goodson
Poster Presentations:
Showcasing agricultural education programs with Book Creator.
Gaea Hock & Zachary Callaghan, recognized as distinguished innovative idea poster
Examining secondary talented and gifted and agricultural education experiences relative to college major and career choice.
Darcie Gallagher, Jonathan Ulmer, Gaea Hock & Jason Ellis, recognized as distinguished research poster
A districtwide look at agricultural educators perceptions of standards based grading.
Lauren Worley, Jonathan Ulmer, Katie Burke & Gaea Hock